Meeting of the Mainz Microscopy Connection (MMC)
The microscopy landscape in Mainz has changed significantly over the past few years. Next to light and confocal microscopy, high-resolution, atomic force and electron microscopy as well as magnetic resonance imaging are now applied to physics, chemistry, biology, medicine and the material sciences. Digital visualization and image analysis offer not only stunning insights, but also challenges on how to manage the huge data volume.
The key to fostering a productive knowledge exchange, to implement new applications and to improve their technical efficiencies is a strong and well-known network of the different microscopy sites in Mainz.
More details
Partner / HYPOSENS Representative
S. Baluschev (UNISOFIA / MPI)
Invited Talk: “All‐Optical Minimally Invasive Sensing of the Local Temperature and Oxygen Concentration in vitro ”